Colegio de ingenieros caminos canales y puertos

caminos andalucía

On June 9, 2015, the then President of the College and of the Caminos Foundation, Juan Antonio Santamera, formalized the donation to the Congress of Deputies of a sculpture of the President of the Government and Civil Engineer Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y Bustelo,[4] who was an honorary member of the College.

On April 19, 2016, elections were held for the Governing Board and General Council.[9] Two candidacies were presented for the Governing Board. One presided by Miguel Ángel Carrillo, dean of the Madrid demarcation, and the other headed by Juan A. Santamera, former president of the association, who was reelected.

On July 15, 2020, new elections were held in the College, with three candidates opting for the presidency. Miguel Ángel Carrillo led the winning candidacy, while the other two were formed by Carmen Motellón and Arcadio Gil.

The College of Civil Engineers is a relevant entity that provides services of professional interest to its members. One of the main functions of the Association is to contribute to the continuous and specialized training of its members. The Association, through the Districts, has a wide and recognized training offer at all levels, from basic courses to Master’s degrees and in all modalities, on-site or online.[11] The Association has a wide and recognized training offer at all levels, from basic courses to Master’s degrees, in all modalities, on-site or online.

banco caminos

Giuliano Mauro Imo, el Tribunal de Justicia (Sala Primera), integrado por el Sr. P. Jann, Presidente de Sala, y los Sres. K. Schiemann, N. Colneric, E. Juhász y E. Levits (Ponente), Jueces; Abogado General: Sr. P. Léger; Secretario: Sr. R. Grass, ha dictado el 19 de enero de 2006 una sentencia cuyo fallo es el siguiente

El Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas ha dictado sentencia en el asunto Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos contra Administración

A. El artículo 3, letra a), en relación con el artículo 4, apartado 1, de la Directiva 89/48/CEE del Consejo, de 21 de diciembre de 1988, relativa a un sistema general de reconocimiento de los títulos de enseñanza superior que sancionan formaciones profesionales de una duración mínima de tres años (1 ), ¿puede interpretarse en el sentido de que permite el reconocimiento restringido por parte de un Estado miembro de acogida de las cualificaciones profesionales de un solicitante que está en posesión del título de Ingegnere civile idraulico [ingeniero civil especialista en hidráulica]?

ciccp valencia

By virtue thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2 and 5 of Law 2/1974, of February 13, 1974, on Professional Associations, at the proposal of the Minister of Public Works, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting held on October 10, 2003,

The provisions of this Royal Decree are understood to be without prejudice to the fact that the autonomous communities, under the protection of the powers attributed to them in matters of professional associations, may set up in their respective territories associations of civil engineers, as well as, where appropriate, autonomous councils.

6.  The emblem of the college consists of a bridge over a canal, with an anchor crossed with a chain, and all of it outlined by two branches, one of palm and the other of oak, tied at the bottom and open at the top.

2.  Likewise, the specific purposes of the Association are to foster professional solidarity, to contribute to the progress of Civil Engineering, to promote the competences of this profession and to cooperate in the preservation of its historical legacy, all in a spirit of service to society.


The Statutes are the basic institutional rule of the Association and establish, among other aspects, the services to the members, the legal regime of the corporate acts, the functioning of the collegiate bodies, the economic and patrimonial regime, the distinctions and the collegiate information.

The Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos carries out the activities described above and provides its services in accordance with an economically responsible management model, which allows it to achieve its objectives as an efficient and competitive institution through an economic framework based on budgetary balance and rigor.

In accordance with the current legislation, all professionals who request it and prove that they have the required qualifications are entitled to become members of the association. The membership can be done in any demarcation, providing the required documentation, and the membership will be extended to the whole State.

The membership shall not be subject to international transfers. You can exercise your rights as set out in the additional information on data protection included in our Privacy Policy,

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