Iberdrola smart clima

Iberdrola 8 hour plan

All about Iberdrola’s Smart Home range of products to control heating, lighting and air conditioning. Discover their prices and the advantages of installing them in your home to save every month on your bills.

Iberdrola’s Smart Home services offer consumers smart solutions aimed at improving efficiency and energy savings in the domestic environment. At the same time, they allow customers to enjoy the comfort of a smart home that adapts to their consumption habits.

With Iberdrola’s Smart Home, consumers can instantly check their energy consumption, program their lighting or control their thermostat through a smart home assistant such as Apple Kit or Alexa, among others.

Iberdrola’s Smart Home solutions allow the user to have control over home lighting, air conditioning or heating. In addition, Smart Home also offers the customer the possibility to see in real time the consumption of each appliance through a consumption monitor.

Iberdrola españa

Iberdrola y la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos de Climatización (AFEC) han establecido una alianza estratégica para promover el uso de la climatización eléctrica sostenible en nuestro país. Para ello, han diseñado un plan de trabajo que se centra en dos líneas de actuación: El fomento de las tecnologías de climatización limpia basadas en bombas de calor en los hogares y empresas; y la formación y capacitación, preparando a los profesionales del sector para cubrir el incremento de la demanda previsto a corto y medio plazo.

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La alianza permitirá poner en común el conocimiento y las capacidades de dos organizaciones comprometidas con la transición energética y la descarbonización de la economía como vía para convertir los sistemas de climatización de los edificios de nuestro país en energías limpias. Ambas organizaciones colaboran también con las administraciones públicas para impulsar el desarrollo de esta tecnología.

Según Luis Buil, director global de Smart Solutions de Iberdrola, “AFEC es el aliado ideal para avanzar en la descarbonización de la climatización tanto de los hogares como de las empresas con compromisos sólidos e iniciativas concretas basadas en tecnologías limpias, innovadoras y competitivas. El sector de la edificación es uno de los segmentos con mayor necesidad de electrificación, por ser una de las principales fuentes de emisión de CO2 y porque ya contamos con soluciones eficientes para acometer esta transformación energética, que además impulsará una parte importante de nuestro sector industrial local y el empleo”.

Iberdrola price increase 2021

On March 23, 24 and 25, 2021, Iberdrola will organize highly qualified courses on Smart Solar, Smart Mobility and Smart Climate technologies for the region of Guardo. These courses, offered free of charge and whose objective is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to attendees in these technologies, will be taught by consultants and engineering firms specializing in these services and technologies, and therefore represent an exceptional opportunity for knowledge and training in the three selected areas. Smart Climate, Solar and Mobility are sectors in full growth and are part of the axes on which the energy transition towards a sustainable model based on renewable energies is being developed. They are, therefore, technologies that generate and offer many opportunities for growth and future.to register, please send the completed registration form to [email protected]. Places are limited and will be in order of receipt of registrations. Deadline for receipt of registrations is the 18th of March.Download REGISTRATION FORMDownload AGENDA

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Iberdrola your consumption

These courses, offered free of charge and aimed at providing attendees with the necessary knowledge and skills in these technologies, will be given by consultants and engineering firms specializing in these services and technologies, and therefore represent an exceptional opportunity for knowledge and training in the three selected areas.

Smart Climate, Solar and Mobility are sectors in full growth and are part of the axes on which the energy transition towards a sustainable model based on renewable energies is being developed. They are, therefore, technologies that generate and offer many opportunities for growth and future.