Cartelera cine cite nassica

Cinesa luxe

At Taquilla Cine you can check all the information about the Cinesa Nassica cinemas in Getafe: prices, schedules, special prices, listings, upcoming premieres, etc. You can also book your tickets in just a minute. Also now you can book your tickets in just one minute. Don’t you want to miss anything? Subscribe to our Newsletter and every week you will receive in your email all the information about the premieres, the movie listings and all the available offers.

The general admission price for Cinesa Nassica cinemas is 9,10€. This rate is applicable for both weekdays and weekends and holidays, in addition to the premieres that coincide on Wednesday or Thursday. If you want to save on the price of your tickets, you can enjoy the promotion Wednesday at the Movies for only 5.70 euros, the special rate on Thursdays for 6 euros per ticket or the morning sessions with a price of 7.50 euros.

Cinesa Card: Don’t miss out on all the benefits offered by Cinesa Card: special prices on tickets, supplements on VIP seats or Premium Rooms, access to promotions, exclusive discounts or special events. In addition, the more you use your CinesaCard the more you can save, for each purchase you can accumulate points that you can then redeem for tickets or products from the bar. Being part of this loyalty program is very simple, you only have to request your card online or at the box office of your nearest cinema. It is no longer necessary to present your plastic card, you will receive a confirmation email with your QR code.

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A scientist contacts the daughter of a serial killer to propose her to participate in the testing of an extraordinary experimental technology. The goal is to enter the mind of her mother, who is currently in a coma, in order to communicate with her. But the experiment does not…

Lucia believes she leads a model life and has everything under control. Since she got married, she has put all her efforts into taking care of her family, until she achieves what for her is the ideal of a perfect family. However, everything starts to fall apart the day Sara, her son’s girlfriend, shows up…

Mathieu Vasseu, a technician at the BEA, the authority responsible for civil aviation safety investigations, must investigate an unprecedented air disaster: a Dubai-Paris flight crashed in the Alps. The careful analysis of the black boxes pushes Mathieu to perform his…

Básculas Blanco, a company producing industrial scales in a provincial town, awaits the visit of a commission on which the winning of a local award for Business Excellence depends: things must work perfectly when the time comes. However,…

Cinesa vose

A scientist contacts the daughter of a serial killer to propose that she participate in the testing of an extraordinary experimental technology. The goal is to enter the mind of her mother, who is currently in a coma, to communicate with her. But the experiment does not…

Lucia thinks she leads a model life and has everything under control. Since she got married, she has put all her efforts into taking care of her family, until she has achieved what for her is the ideal of a perfect family. However, everything starts to fall apart the day Sara, her son’s girlfriend, shows up…

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Mathieu Vasseu, a technician at the BEA, the authority responsible for civil aviation safety investigations, must investigate an unprecedented air disaster: a Dubai-Paris flight crashed in the Alps. The careful analysis of the black boxes pushes Mathieu to perform his…

Básculas Blanco, a company producing industrial scales in a provincial town, awaits the visit of a commission on which the winning of a local award for Business Excellence depends: things must work perfectly when the time comes. However,…

Movie listings

Parking: free. 5,000 spaces.Ticket pricesThe price of the general admission ticket for Cinesa Nassica cinemas is 9.10€. This rate is applicable both for weekdays and weekends and holidays, in addition to the premieres that coincide on Wednesdays or Thursdays. If you want to save on the price of your tickets, you can enjoy the promotion Wednesday at the Movies for only 5.70 euros, the special rate on Thursdays for 6 euros per ticket or the morning sessions with a price of 7.50 euros.

Ticket vouchers: Cinesa Nassica offers several ticket vouchers at very competitive prices. A 5-ticket voucher for 33.20 euros, or 6.64 euros per ticket, and a 7-ticket voucher for 38.20 euros, 5.45 euros per ticket.