Javier martin fm
misa padre martín
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today’s mass live in spanish 2021
Coinciding with the first Eucharist of the novena of St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Javier Martin Martija was sworn in on Tuesday afternoon, September 18, as the new pastor of Arnedo, replacing Tomas Ramirez.
Together with the priests José Luis Hernández and Miguel Ángel Miranda, with whom he considers “a luxury” to be able to work, the new parish priest will carry out his work knowing that the Church in general and the parishes in particular are facing changes in the coming times to which it will be necessary to know how to adapt.
Martin also believes that “we must prepare the parishes for when there will be more lack of priests, because now there are only five or six younger than me, after the recent ordination of Alfonso Saenz from Arneda. That is the reality of the church in La Rioja. We will have to adapt the parishes to the fact that there are fewer and fewer priests, giving prominence to the laity, coordinating between villages and perhaps it is not unreasonable to have to attend to villages around Arnedo, something that until now was not being done”.
javier martín priest biography
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In the bull riding, he won 21 units, in the foot manganas he caught the third opportunity for 29 good and on horseback he got two, in the first and second opportunities, with 22 and 24, for a total of 48.
Fulfilling its objective within the congress, presenting in points to Ximena Velasco Cauzor who achieved in three times a distance of 12.75 and Emilia Montserrat Ruiz Sol traveled 15.32 meters, in three times.
Unfolding with cadence and trying to precise their 12 exercises of total value of 346 points, in infractions they made -58 points, the points gave them 18 units, with that giving them the final 306 points that gives them entry to the teams that could participate in the semifinal round.
The team is made up of young blood, the members are Ximena Velasco, Estefanía Palacios Martínez, Alejandra Isabella Ruíz Hernández, Susana Montserrat Ruiz Sol, Frida Carolina Coles Moguel, Cristina Jaqueline Partida Cabrera and Paulina Reséndiz Uribe.
The bull of reparo came out intense and did not support the rider, in the foot manganas the charro from J