Coalicion por melilla telefono

caballas ceuta

El partido se formó poco antes de las elecciones municipales autonómicas de Melilla de 1995, como una escisión del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), que tenía previamente una fuerte implantación electoral entre los votantes musulmanes. En las elecciones municipales de 1995, CpM obtuvo cinco escaños, tantos como el PSOE, y el Partido Popular (PP) obtuvo 14. Tres años después, en agosto de 1998, se produjo una escisión en el PP y se formó una nueva ejecutiva municipal contraria al PP, que incluía a CpM, y en la que su líder Mustafa Aberchán entró con la cartera de Medio Ambiente[1].

En 1999, Mustafa Aberchán, presentado por la Coalición, se convirtió en el primer alcalde musulmán de Melilla con el apoyo del PSOE y del Grupo Liberal Independiente (GIL). En las elecciones a la Asamblea de Melilla de 2007, el partido quedó en segundo lugar (5 escaños) tras el PP (15 escaños). CpM estuvo federado a nivel nacional con Izquierda Unida desde 2008 hasta 2013[2].

ceuta and melilla : histoire

The three parties that make up the Government of Melilla, Coalition for Melilla (CPM), PSOE and Citizens (Cs) have approved today to remove the name of the former national basketball coach Javier Imbroda from the municipal pavilion, which the PP has described as a “vendetta” and “political indignity”.

In statements to journalists, the local deputy of the PP Fadela Mohatar said that what happened today in the commission “takes us back to the worst of the noble profession of politics” and corresponds to “a decision of political indignity” because “personalities, political vendettas and atavistic hatreds are installed in the policy of a ruler”.

He stressed that in this intention to pay tribute to Melilla athletes “will find the PP”, which already in previous terms invested and worked in sport, even achieving official recognition by the Superior Council of Sport and the European Union, which named Melilla in 2016 as “European City of Sport”.

where melilla is located

A group of about 40 people from Melilla started last Friday a solidarity expedition to Palestine with the aim of entering Gaza and check in situ the development of initiatives that have been financed with donations sent from the autonomous city.

Aberchan was precisely one of the leaders of the expedition to Palestine, since the trip had been organized by his party, Coalition for Melilla (CPM), and supported by the Islamic Commission of the city (CIM).

The news began to circulate in Melilla last Monday, but until Tuesday has not been confirmed by the CPM, which has linked through a brief statement its silence to the caution it wanted to maintain until all members of the expedition had left Israel.

In addition, it has warned that “it will have diplomatic repercussions” for the “humiliating treatment” they have received from the Israeli authorities, after being locked up in an airport dungeon for hours, as attested by the photograph circulating on social networks.

vox spain

The former president of the Autonomous City of Melilla clarifies that it is important that the problems of the people of Melilla reach the Congress of Deputies and considers that there are solutions “in the short and medium term” to the immigration problem, although he states that the politicians of Melilla have to have as a reference the citizens of Melilla “and not the acronym of their party”.

In addition, Aberchán emphasizes that Melilla “cannot become a Temporary Stay Center for Immigrants (CETI)”, especially when it comes to a city “where space is limited, unemployment is 37 percent, poverty reaches 36 percent and there is a significant diversity”. Thus, the Cepemista indicates that “the logical thing” is that the immigrants who exceed 450 -the CETI has capacity for 480- “are transferred to the Peninsula automatically”.

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