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The companies linked to the metal-mechanical activity, such as Rectificadora los Mellos, present, from the point of view of industrial safety, risk conditions that deserve a lot of attention, such as: Machining and cutting, which present, especially, particle projections and noises in all sections. In welding, metal fumes and exposure to ultraviolet light are the most significant, in addition to the local risks, with inadequate physical and sanitary conditions.

Then, all these risks will be grouped in the risk overview format in order to evaluate them and to know the danger and degree of repercussion of these risks. The risk map will consist of a graphic representation of the risk panorama on a company map.

This paper demonstrates the implementation of a program of industrial safety in MELLOS THE GRINDER, of the city of Monteria. The process began with the identification of risks related through the landscape of risk factors under the guidance of the GTC 45. This phase includes the identification and location of the various risk factors present in the working areas of the grinding The Mellos, for which it is useful to take a tour of the company facilities and observing convention table list risk in order to point out the risks involved in each of these areas.

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dc.description.abstractCompanies linked to the metal-mechanical activity, such as Rectificadora los Mellos, present, from the point of view of industrial safety, risk conditions that deserve a lot of attention, such as: Machining and cutting, which present, especially, particle projections and noises in all sections. In welding, metal fumes and exposure to ultraviolet light are the most significant, in addition to the local risks, with inadequate physical and sanitary conditions.

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Then, all these risks will be grouped in the risk overview format in order to evaluate them and to know the danger and degree of repercussion of these risks. The risk map will consist of a graphic representation of the risk landscape on a company map.

dc.description.abstractCompanies associated with metalworking activity, such as the grinding of Mellos, present from the point of view of industrial safety, risk conditions that deserve attention, such as: machining and cutting, which have especially projections particles and noise in all sections. In welding, metal fumes and exposure to ultraviolet light, are the most significant, as well as risks locative with physical and inadequate sanitary conditions.

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En la región central de Cuba existen varias destilerías que se caracterizan por obtener alcohol de alta calidad como producto principal. Los esquemas tecnológicos instalados en cada una de ellas son diferentes, por lo que la producción puede realizarse de forma más eficiente o no teniendo en cuenta el consumo de agua y vapor.

La destilería B tiene un menor consumo de vapor y agua de refrigeración por hectolitro de alcohol producido, debido a la utilización de energía en determinadas corrientes de proceso, como los vapores alcohólicos que salen del rectificador y de las columnas hidroselectoras.

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En la región central de Cuba existen varias destilerías que se caracterizan por obtener alcohol de alta calidad como producto principal. Los esquemas tecnológicos instalados en cada una difieren y, por lo tanto, la producción se puede realizar de forma más eficiente o no en determinada industria, teniendo en cuenta los consumos de agua y vapor.

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