The x door valencia

The dark years escape room

The truth is that I don’t know what I like more, if I like to overcome the challenges that are proposed to me or to find one of those that make you think that they are really making it difficult for you. They say that one always grows when faced with a challenge, but seeing how the game is really organized to rack one’s brains is something I love. And watch out, because the escape room I’m going to talk about in this article has been one of the best in this and many other ways.

When I took a look at The X Door nothing caught my attention. I mean, nothing else caught my attention than what normally shocks me about these activities. It seemed to serve its purpose well: it offered themed escape games tailored for all kinds of groups.

I decided to try it with several friends, and we can assure you that we were not the same after leaving: we had all come out looking like we had finally discovered a themed escape room at the height of our level. And not to brag, but considering that we had already seen a lot of the world of escape rooms, we were less and less surprised.

Cronos valencia

I had never played a live escape game before and the experience was fantastic. The guys from The Xdoor make you feel as if you were inside an Agatha Christie novel where working as a team and with the help of your wits you have to solve a lot of “very elaborate riddles” to get out of the room before 60 minutes and if you succeed, they make you a place in their particular “hall of fame”. The game is so absorbing that when the time is over you are left with the desire to continue playing. The game is so absorbing that when the time is over you are left with the desire to continue playing.

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It is a game of escapism, in which you have to get out of a room where you are locked before the 60 minutes of time are up. It is a memorable experience. We spent a week after playing the game remembering details and talking about it to all our friends and family. A very original and innovative activity, which apparently is having a lot of success in other cities.

Claustrophobia valencia

For players who like to feel like detectives in search of adventure and mystery, this escape game is ideal, as it will take you to an era and a moment in time where you can believe you are as iconic a character as Sherlock Holmes. Solving the mystery will require all the effort possible, investigating, searching for clues, tying up loose ends, checking data and taking advantage of the most intelligent techniques. It will not be easy to solve the mystery, but it is recommended that all players support each other, share the clues they discover and find their way out of the room. Groups of two to six people can participate in a 60-minute challenge in which surprises are absolutely guaranteed. Will you be able to solve the mystery like great detectives during the time limit you have been given?

Ready for a new challenge? Revenge is an escape room that consists of working as a group and pooling your wits to solve the enigmas surrounding a mysterious case. Your mission is to locate the bomb installed by a terrorist and defuse it before it is too late and claim hundreds of victims. You only have 75 minutes before the device explodes. Will you be able to achieve your goal in time?

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Sala skp

Bromeamos con que nuestro primer rompecabezas en X-Door Valencia fue encontrar el local. Se encuentra en una gran calle del casco antiguo de Valencia donde los números de cada lado de la calle no coinciden. No te dejes engañar por eso y no llegues tarde a esta gran sala.

Reservamos White &Black con X-Door primero ya que estaba catalogada como su habitación más “fácil”. Antes de empezar, preguntamos en qué idiomas se podía jugar, ya que una vez más jugábamos con mis padres (que hablan portugués) y Trapspringer (que habla inglés). El personal nos sonrió y nos dijo “puedo hablaros en español o en inglés, pero para el juego no hace falta saber ningún idioma”. Decía la verdad: este juego no requiere ni una palabra de nada.    Todos los rompecabezas están ingeniosamente hechos de manera que no es necesario leer ni escribir.

Una vez que entramos, la habitación parecía una sala de estar normal y corriente, con muebles y objetos de madera oscura, como una máquina de coser. Luego empiezas a explorar y los rompecabezas te saltan de cada esquina. Esta habitación es imposible de resolver en solitario y probablemente sea muy difícil con sólo dos personas. Cuatro era un buen tamaño.