
Blog do esmael – geringonça 2022

Portugal’s socialist government is on the edge of the precipice. Both the Left Bloc (BE) and the Communist Party have announced that they will vote against the 2022 Budget this Wednesday and, if it does not go ahead, the country is heading for early elections. “The question is not whether or not there will be elections, the question is not the political crisis, the question is the fundamental problems of Portuguese society,” said an angry Jernimo de Sousa, leader of the Communist Party, on Monday. Out of a total of 230 deputies, the Socialists have 107. To move forward with the public accounts, Prime Minister Costa needs a majority of the House to vote in favor or abstain. At the moment, the 12 communist deputies, the 18 deputies of the Left Bloc and the 79 deputies of the center-right will vote against, so the accounts will not be approved.

But why are the left-wing parties now abandoning the Socialists? Let’s look back. In November 2015, after more than a month of negotiations, Antonio Costa (Socialist Party), Catarina Martins (Left Bloc) and Jernimo de Sousa (Communists) sealed the ‘geringona’ pact with which they overthrew the conservative government of Pedro Passos Coelho, who had won the elections.

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The President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has called for this Tuesday the round of contacts with the ten parties that obtained parliamentary representation in Sunday’s legislative elections, a step prior to the assignment to form a government. The objective is to have a government in place within a minimum period of two weeks.

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Rebelo de Sousa himself has explained from Estoril that there is “a reason of urgency” which is the convening of a European Council next week, an appointment “very important to discuss Brexit before October 31”.

The acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, has expressed on Monday the willingness of the PS to renew and extend the ‘geringona’ or ‘chapuza’, as the agreement that enabled Costa as prime minister last term, to other political parties.

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Geringo en la ciudad de los muñecos de trapo

4.La palabra geringona forma parte del conjunto de 10 palabras entre las que se encontrará la Palabra del año 2016. Esta actividad es responsabilidad de Porto Editora.5.El diccionario presenta geringona como una palabra de origen castellano, girigonza.Insertada en el nivel de lenguaje vulgar o informal, la define como algo que no se entiende; algo mal hecho y con poca solidez. Popularmente, lo mismo que engenhoca o caranguejola. Sc. XVI – los honorables son pobres, los ricos son vilosroins: fijar esta geringona.

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6.Un libro de 15 narraciones, en forma de cuentos, escritas por Gabriel de Mattos, entre 1988 y 1995, donde interviene desde una extraña máquina hasta adolescentes fugados de un internado. En esencia, es una ficción centrada en un Brasil que intenta evolucionar sobreviviendo. A MQUINA DO FUTURO es el título de un poema de Fernando Tavares Marques, del que aquí hay algunos extractos: Los dueños de todo esto / (los verdaderos, que ni siquiera conoces) habían inventado, / construido y exportado / hacia el sur, / una sofisticada / máquina muy bien engrasada, / [] Puede que no esté lista, el futuro lleva tiempo, / pero