On my training shoes

Shoes for training at the gym

Choosing the right shoe is crucial to your performance in your preferred workout, walking, running or going to the gym. It is important to have shoes that fit the foot to reduce the risk of injury. This is as important as the right running clothes.

The first step to know which one to buy is to know your foot type. To do this, wet the sole of your foot and step on a sheet of paper. Then, examine the footprint you left. If you have a low arch, you are a pronator type, people who carry a lot of weight on the inside of the foot. You need motion control and high stability.

It is recommended to buy the shoe in specialized stores, like ours, where they can guide you to buy the one you really need. They will also have a wide range of sportswear brands. This way you can buy everything you need in one place.

If you go to the store to buy athletic shoes, it is best to try them on after exercising or at the end of the afternoon, because your foot swells with the activity. Wear the same sock you will use for the routine, and confirm that it allows you to wiggle your toes. From the beginning you should feel comfortable with the shoe, there should be no break-in period.

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Athletic shoes or sneakers are a type of footwear used to perform different types of sports. It generally has a body made of leather, canvas and/or synthetic materials and a fallow deer sole that favors greater adherence, as well as more flexibility.

Sports shoes are called by different names depending on the country, among them: tennis shoes, sneakers, sport shoes, sneakers, booties, sneakers, sport shoes or sneakers, buck shoes, beach shoes or shore shoes.

Then in 300 BC, Greeks and Romans began to use different types of shoes. Then, the variety of footwear began to exist. At that time, shoes were still made for everyday use only, with leather and wooden soles.

Best walking shoes

One of the most important elements that we must choose well when practicing sports is the footwear for training. We cannot take it for granted thinking that any type of sneakers is good for going to the gym or running. This is not so, since each activity has a different impact on our body and joints and needs a different cushioning. Now, how do we know which is the right shoe for the activity we are doing?

If you have gone shopping for training shoes, you may have noticed that the signs in the stores tell you if they are for running, for fitness, for tennis, etc. This is not a sales strategy of sports stores, far from it, but it is based on the manufacturing of each shoe, which is designed for a specific activity.

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We must understand that all parts of our body are connected and that, if there is a failure in any of them, perhaps because we do not have the right training shoes, that failure will go to other areas causing injuries. Let’s see then which is the appropriate shoe in each case:

Women’s gym shoes

The right footwear can make or break your workout. After all, an ill-fitting shoe can cause pain, injury and frustration. If you do a specific sport or activity more than twice a week, the recommendation is to wear sport-specific footwear. This means you may need different shoes for different activities. Here are some footwear recommendations for the most popular fitness modes.

Walking involves a heavier heel strike, so walking shoes are created to have a rounded, stiff heel to support the heel and toe action when walking. When shopping for new walking shoes, check the flexibility of the sole. The toe cap should be able to bend and twist easily for best results. Look for shoes with breathable mesh to keep feet cool during long walks.

Studio classes are diverse and require lateral movement, agility and stability. Look for a pair of lightweight cross-trainer sneakers with ankle and arch support. You’ll likely want a shoe with a wide toe box and a soft, flexible sole to grip the ground and maneuver in a variety of formats. If you attend cycling classes regularly, consider a pair of cycling shoes, which provide a solid base to relieve foot fatigue and clips that allow you to connect with the bike for a more efficient and comfortable pedal stroke.

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